Colour: Agouti Splicap
Date of Birth: 02/01/21
Newt’s parents are my two most impressively marked rats – Dee and Cinder. He is a cute little split cap who – I hope – carries the genes to make all sorts of markings. He’s a fun, bouncy little guy, very people oriented and confident.

Colour: Fawn hood (fluffy carrier)
Date of Birth: 15/06/20
Hero is a bouncy, happy little dude. He’s quite a bit smaller than his fluffy brothers and runs curcles around them during play time. He’s a gentle boy though, and loves all his buddies (Even Squid who likes to wrestle him!)

Colour: Agouti Berkshire
Date of Birth: 08/06/20
Goose is an out-cross form my markings line and is a calm, sensible, self contained fellow. I was worried he was a bit too shy to make the cut for breeding when he was younger but as he’s grown up he’s come out of his shell a lot and is now a bit of a snuggle bug.

Colour: Black blazed variberk
Date of Birth: 19/01/19
Nicodemus is what I’ve been breeding towards for 2 years – the most amazing blazed variberk. He is stunning. He’s a bit reserved like his dad but sometimes shows some of his mum’s spunk. He is an old soul who likes shoulder rides and food.

Colour: Black variberk
Date of Birth: 19/01/19
Orion is a very good looking variberk like his half brother Nicodemus. His mum (Harper) is one of my nicest girls and he seems to have inherited some of her lovely friendly personality. He’s a little boy and has stayed quite small and sleek.

Colour: Cinnamon berkshire
Date of Birth: 18/12/20
Dio is the oldest boy of my very favourite rat Rus. He is similar to his dad, but with a bit more omph so he likes to explore and zoom around as well as be a bit of a sunggler. He doesn’t like drama and will hide if anyone so much as looks at him funny.

Colour: Fawn Self (carrying fluffy)
Date of Birth: /12/19
Galahad was in a pet home from most of his life but then was returned when his person could no longer care for him. I feel very lucky to have him with me and he is such a nice boy, super friendly and sweet like his Dad Rus.

Colour: Dove Self (Fluffy)
Date of Birth: 18/11/20
Astrid is a really really fluffy little girl – even more so than her mum’s siblings (the F litter). She is an angel with the gentlest, softest personality and the sweetest expression.

Colour: Agout Berkshire (carrying fluffy)
Date of Birth: /20
Juice is Siren’s Daughter and takes after her in looks as well as personality, she went from being a wiggly dont-touch-me teenager to a calm, loving adult who runs up as soon as anyone goes into the rat room.
Colour: Agouti Berkshire
Date of Birth: /20
Jiffy isn’t the most social of ladies and is a pet-only girl at this point. She often yells when she gets picked up and usually likes to watch people rather than interact.

Colour: Mink Dalmation (?)
Date of Birth: 19/12/20
Flox is a precious little jewel, a very vary rare colour that we haven’t ever seen in NZ. She’s a sweetheart too – very calm for a young one and the popular kid in her group of friends.

Colour: Fawn hood (headspot)
Date of Birth: /20
Icey is a laid back, no drama type girl. She gets on with everyone and never makes a fuss. She doesnt mind when her freinds steal her treats and can often be found right at the bottom of sunggle piles, have squished and with someone’s butt oin her face.

Colour: Agouti Hood (fluffy)
Date of Birth: 15/10/19
Selkie is a sweet little fluffy girl. She is a pacifist and can find tornadoes like Wicket a bit much, so she sticks with Ayra in the cage and likes sleeping and eating. She is a cautious explorer out of the cage, usually sticking with her friends. She loves people and will happily sleep in a sleeve all day.

Colour: Agouti Berkshire (fluffy)
Date of Birth: 11/12/19
Siren got her name because she was a squeaky little drama llama when she was a kid! She’s mellowed out into an extra lovely girl though, calm and cuddly and oh so cute.

Colour: Black variberk
Date of Birth: 11/12/19
Tui is Siren’s sister but couldn’t be more different in looks or personality. She’s a larger than life busy little bee – always on the go, will climb up your leg if you’re not paying her enough attention, and is always into something.

Colour: Fawn berkshire (fluffy)
Date of Birth: 15/04/20
Little Flick is a calm, gentle little thing. She takes treats so softly and carefully and is as soft as a baby bunny. She likes to play with her sister, but is also best buddies with the old ladies and I often find her snuggled up in a pile of grannies.

Colour: Black Hood (Fluffy)
Date of Birth: /20

Colour: Mink hood
Date of Birth: 14/09/18
Lark is a fun, busy little girl. She’s not the most friendly, but she’s a big improvement on her mum (Tesla) and is happy to be picked up and get head scratches. She’s very clever and confident and is usually the first to figure out new toys and explore new areas.

Colour: Agouti hood
Date of Birth: 19/01/19
Owl is a very sweet little girl, a real squish like her mum. She’s has lots of her grannies fire though and will cheerfully try to wrestle the big girls even though she’s teeny and only a tenth their size.

Colour: Fawn Self (carrying fluffy)
Date of Birth: 03/04/19
Raven is one of my favourites. She’s a lovely cuddly girl with a very kind and laid back attitude toward everything. She seems to wander round in her own little dream world some of the time and loves ear scratches most of all.

Colour: Agouti Irish (carrying fluffy)
Date of Birth: /19
Sparrow is a very in-your-face lady. She is always watching and wanting to be close to people and is super fun to play with. She is one of the top dogs in the cage and keeps everyone in line and is a confidant adventurer at play time.

Colour: Mink Hood (carrying fluffy)
Date of Birth: 08/03/19
Tilly is a beautiful girl with a very tidy hood – much wider than the ones we often see in Auckland. She’s a solid wee thing, and very athletic despite being heavier than lots of my girls. She’s relatively high up in the pecking order, but rules with a gentle touch – everyone is her friend.

Colour: Buff Self (fluffy)
Date of Birth: 21/04/19
Sella is the first second generation Scruffians fluffy! She is a quiet little girl who likes hoarding treats, sleeping with her friends, and digging in the dig box. She has taken after her mum Kowhai – relaxed and happy.

Colour: Black Hood
Date of Birth: 13/09/19
I wasn’t planning on keeping any of Ayra’s litter but she got very very sick at about 3 weeks and I spent so much time looking after he I couldn’t bare to let her go. She is a placid little lady – especially compared to her mum Map – and is always keen for a cuddle and some extra attention.

Colour: Agouti Hood
Date of Birth: 19/09/19
Bee is a fun little girl – the spitting image of her great granny Ember, in personality as well as looks. She is a firecracker, always on the go and full of beans. She loves hand wrestling and dragging things around the play table.

Colour: Agouti Variberk
Date of Birth: 26/09/19
Cinder was a surprise baby from an accidental litter. She is a stunning variberk, the best I’ve seen in NZ, and has a lovely personality to match, She is squishy like her dad and a fun and bouncy (but not annoying) buddy to her cage mates.

Colour: Silverfawn berkshire
Date of Birth: 15/04/19
Fairie is the zoomy one of her siblings. She’s a bit of a nutter, though still young so I’m sure she’ll calm down a bit, and is always on the go. Shes very (very very) confident and will go off on big explors by herself. When she was teeny she was always the first one to try new things, which meant she got lost under the bed a few times!

Colour: Buff Self (carrying fluffy)
Date of Birth: 21/04/19
Sonar is my partners rat. She was a very weird looking child but has grown up to be a bit more normal looking. She has inherited her granddad Scribble’s squinty eyes which make her look like she’s constantly scheming. She is very cuddly with people, but is a force to be reckoned with with her friends!

Colour: Fawn Self (carrying fluffy)
Date of Birth: 24/02/19
Penny is one of my more laid back ladies. She’s the kind of sweetheart that goes all floppy when you pick her up. She likes zooming round, but loves treats more, and never a fuss with her friends.

Colour: Fawn Self (carrying fluffy)
Date of Birth: 24/02/19
Penny’s sister Phoenix is much bigger and much bossier than she is. Phoenix is a beautiful silver fawn and is always up to mischief. She prefers exploring and fun over hanging with people but will run up for a quick pat and a treat before she’s off on her next adventure..

Colour: Cinnamon hood (fluffy)
Date of Birth: 12/09/19
Fox is a special ‘double outcross’ fluffy, meaning he is a fluffy but isn’t super closely related to most other fluffies. He is a confident, smoochy boy, who settled in easy with the others and is a busy little bee during play time.

Colour: Buff hood (fluffy)
Date of Birth: 13/10/19
Yoshi is a bit more of a homebody than his half brother Fox. He is a big snuggler and often just goes to sleep on my shoulder while the others play. He is very very soft for a boy rat and has the sweetest hamstery face.

Colour: Black hood
Date of Birth: 08/01/19
Map is super active and full of beans. She’s always the first to shoot out of the cage for play time and usually one of the last to put herslef away for a nap too. She’s more into exploring than people at the moment but she is lovely and cuddly when she’s worn out.

Colour: Agouti berkshire
Date of Birth: 27/03/18
Harper is my best and bravest explorer. She’s and active little girl who gets into EVERYTHING and is constantly up to mischief. She is such a sweetie though it’s easy to forgive her for all the chaos she causes.

Colour: Fawn splitcap (fluffy)
Date of Birth: 13/06/18
Kowhai is a ralaxed, zero trouble, kind of girl. She is brave but not silly. She will always be one of the first to explore new places or things, but she doesn’t rush into anything and isn’t at all crazy. She is a bit of a snuggler, and loves ear scratches.

Colour: Cinnamon hood (carrying fluffy)
Date of Birth: 05/05/19
NOT DEAD – JUST MOVED OUT 🙂 Volta was meant to go to his new home in Wellington but managed to get out of his carrier and lived, loose, on the pet bus for over a month before he was caught and returned to me. After that terrifying adventure I told him he was never leaving home again, that turned out to be a lie though as one of my past adopters needed someone to even out a werid power dynamic between her two boys, so now he lives in Hamilton.

Colour: Black Hood (fluffy)
Date of Birth: /19
Darwin is a chunky fluffy boy with and extra long, slightly curly, coat. He’s usually waiting at the door for a pat and likes exploring – cautiously because hes pretty big and not very coordinated!

Colour: Fawn berkshire
Date of Birth: 30/03/18
Rus is a squishy teddy bear of a rat. He is lazy and floppy and sweet and will happily sit on a knee and watch a whole movie without getting bored. He is sensitive with his cage mates, never picking fights or causing trouble which makes him an ideal buddy for the older boys.

Colour: Black Splitcap
Date of Birth: 10/06/19
Wednesday came back home after she was a bit of a bully to the rats she was living with. She was no trouble in with my lot (and was fine with the girls at the rattery she stayed at on her way home too) so I suspect it was just a personality clash rather than her being actually nasty. She was much less bossy than her little sister Wicket!

Colour: Black Variberk
Date of Birth: 10/06/19
Wicket grew up to be a teeny ball of crazy! She was always the first to zoom out for play time and would follow me around the rat room when she was out, watching and sometimes jumping onto my head! She was very people orientated and could sometimes be a bit much for her more laid back friends.

Colour: Black Berkshire
Date of Birth: 30/11/17
Flux was one of my favourites. She was a perfect mix of bouncy energy with a super squishy personality. She was one of those lovely ratties who goes limp and is totally relaxed when you picked her up but she was also always up for some intense hand wrestling .

Colour: Black capped with headspot
Date of Birth: 20/02/18
Tesla was a funny little girl. She loveed hanging out with people and never wanted to go back at the end of play time. She could be a bit of a squeaky drama queen at times, but she’d never do anything to hurt her cage mates or her people.

Colour: Black variegated berkshire
Date of Birth: 13/12/17
Aeon was an amazingly beautiful veriberk girl. She was the sweetest little baby, went through a grumpy phase as a teenager, and then came out the other side as a relaxed, sensible adult. She was more of a rat-rat than a people rat and got on really well with all her friends .

Colour: Black Hood
Date of Birth: 08/02/17 (approx) – 12/01/20
When he’s in a silly mood Az is a bit of a tornado, creating chaos where ever he goes. Luckily most of the time he’s a floppy, cuddly lump like his dad.

Colour: Black Berkshire with Blaze
Date of Birth: 10/04/16
Boo is a quiet, sensible little guy. He’s stayed pretty small and has quite a meek personality – very gentle and calm. He looks to Az for a bit extra confidence when out of his cage and enjoys sleeping in hoods and gentle pats.

Colour: Mink Berkshire
Date of Birth: 15/9/16
Nimbus was a sweetheart with a gentle, placid temperament. She was a confident and inquisitive explorer but could be shy with people she doesn’t know. She got on well with her rattie friends and was a pacifist, never picking fights even if someone stole her snacks. She was put to sleep after developing a tumor at 2 and half years.

Colour: Black Self
Date of Birth: 21/11/16
Kuro was a chill, relaxed lady and loved to just hang out on someone’s shoulder and watch the world go by. She was very people oriented and was usually found peering out of her cage waiting for someone to come and say hi.

Colour: Mink Berkshire (Fluffy)
Date of Birth: 20/06/17
Thistle is a gorgeous fluffy girl. Shes a bit of a squish, very friendly and chilled out. She has a strong personality so doesn’t like it when the others push her around but she gets on well with most of the girls and is always keen to come out for play time.

Colour: Dove irish
Date of Birth: 30/07/17
Delphi is a very sweet little girl. She went from being a super squishy, calm little baby to a shy kid, and is now a much more confident grown up. She gets on well with all the other girls and is a bit of a social butterfly.

Colour: Agouti splitcap
Date of Birth: 05/08/17
Ember is a firecracker. She’s very outgoingt and has boundless energy. She’s always up for a run round out of the cage and a wrestle with her friends. She has been an amazing relaxed mum to two litters and has passed her super confident nature and bug eyes on to her kids.

Colour: Black Vari-berk
Date of Birth: 08/02/17 – 02/02/12
Artemis was a chilled out little lady who takes after her dad, Otter. She was confident and friendly and loved scratches and being held. She wasn’t a great example of a vari-berk but had some silvered areas and was born with a tiny head spot. She died unexpectedly of unknown causes.

Colour: Champagne Bareback
Date of Birth: 16/9/16 – 02/02/19
Bean wass a sweet girl. She’s a homebody who enjoyed nothing more than running on her wheel when she was younger, in middle age she was more a fan of food and snoozing with her friends. She was pts after developing a tumor that was affecting her quality of life.

Colour: Mink Hooded with Incomplete Blaze
Date of Birth: 8/9/16 – 02/02/19
Lyra was a cheeky girl. She was a great explorer, climber and adventurer and one of my favourites. She was independent and always the fist check out new things and venture into new areas. She was pts after her old age lead to her quality of life dropping.

Colour: Fawn Self
Date of Birth: 20/05/17 – 10/12/18
Cricket was Nim’s and Rufio’s daughter. She was a really docile little lady, squishy and sweet. She got on well with all her friends and she loved coming out for cuddles and a zoom around and stashing food so that she could eat in peace without being hassled by the other girls. She was pts after developing neurological issues.

Colour: Silverfawn Self
Date of Birth: 1/6/15 (approx) – 27/09/18
Rufio is Scribble’s big brother and is king of the cage. He is a big, solid boy with the most beautiful golden coat. He is more outgoing than his brother and enjoys exploring out of his cage.

Colour: Black Vari-berk
Date of Birth: //17 – 26/08/18
Luna was a super active little girl who’s always getting up to mischief. She could run circles around most of the other girls and was always super excited to come of of her cage for a run around and some hand wrestling. She was pts after she (probably?) broke her spine.

Colour: Mink Self
Date of Birth: 1/6/15 (approx) – 26/08/18
Scribble was a gentle chunky old boy. He preferred sleeping over everything else and gets on with everybody. He was a petshop rat and didn’t have a lot of handling when he was little but would put up with anything in a long suffering way. He waspts after his old age caught up to him.

Colour: Black Hooded
Date of Birth: 1/3/16 (approx) – 14/07/18
Blink was an inquisitive little lady. She was always quick to meet you at the door of the cage and loved to have her head stroked. She was super confident, active and fun to play with. She was pts after developing a tumor that was affecting her quality of life.

Colour: Mink Berkshire
Date of Birth: 10/10/15 – 14/07/18
Dusky was a beautiful blue grey colour. She was very laid back and prefered snoozing in her hammock over exploring out of her cage. She was kind and gentle and very patient with the boisterous younger rats. She was pts after suffering a stroke.

Colour: Argente Bareback
Date of Birth: 01/02/16 (approx) – 02/11/17
George was Fred’s big brother. He was a bit of a homebody and loved sleeping and scratches above all else. Like Fred, he was wonderfully friendly and gave kisses whenever someone patted him.He was pts after his old age caught up to him and his quality of life started dropping.
Colour: Argente Bareback with Balze
Date of Birth: 01/02/16 (approx) – 06/01/17
Fred was a very handsome blazed boy who is survived by his kids with Mouse – hopefully the start of our line of blazed rats. He was friendly with everyone and loved cuddles out of the cage and taking his food to bed.He was pts after his old age caught up to him and his quality of life started dropping.

Colour: Black Berkshire
Date of Birth: 1/5/15 (approx) – 30/10/17
Otter was the loveliest, most snugly boy and the reason I started breeding. He loved people and would give endless licks in exchange for ear rubs. He was like a rag doll cat in the way he went limp when you picked him up.He was pts after his old age caught up to him and his quality of life started dropping.